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Recipe : Blackened Salmon Masala

Am a die hard fish lover, especially the Salmon. The most favorite Salmon recipe is the thick and spicy, coconut Gravy with cooked Salmon and sour and unripe mangoes. Another favorite is deep fried, spicy and oily marinated Salmon fry. But trust me, both of them are thoroughly unhealthy and cholesterol rich. The latter, deep fry one can be made using Olive oil but wouldn’t taste that great. In the light of my 2010 - theme of life – FFF (just not to let your imagination go elsewhere – Fit, Fitter, Fittest) , was looking for a heart-friendly, low calorie Salmon recipe that doesn’t take a lot of prep work or kitchen work and here is my kitchen discovery.


· Oval shaped Salmon slices(with skin) – 3

· 1tbl spoon – red chili powder(roasted – if you find)

· 1/2 tbl spoon – turmeric powder

· 6 pinches of salt [will be really low in Sodium, you may want to add more]

· ½ tbl spoon – Ginger / Garlic paste

· ½ tbl spoon of coriander powder

· ¼ tbl spoon of nicely ground pepper

· ½ an onion(medium sized) peeled and cut into small pieces

· 1 tbl spoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Here’s how to make it?

1. Prepare Salmon pieces

a. If you have a whole, unsliced Salmon then slice them into ¼ inch thick slices

b. I recommend the middle portion of Salmon chunk for this recipe as the edges would be really small, the bigger it is the better, as we are really going to over-grill it

c. Dry them up

2. Prepare the Spicy paste for marinating

a. Add 3 tbl spoons of water and few lemon juice drops in a bowl

b. Add red chili, turmeric , coriander powders in suggested quantities and mix it with the water

c. Add the Ginger/Garlic paste and the Salt and pepper powder

d. Whisk the contents of the bowl for a minute to form a coarse Orange color paste

3. Marinating

a. Apply the Spicy paste at all sides of the Salmon slices

b. Marinate for couple of hours

c. If you have some paste left or not, put the cut pieces of onion in the bowl(that you made the paste on) and mix the onion to apply the paste on the onion chunks too

4. Grilling

a. Apply few drops of Extra Virgin Olive oil in each side of the marinated Salmon slices

b. Preheat your grill in about 200 O F for about 10 mins

c. Spread an Aluminium foil in your Oven tray and grease it with few drops of Olive oil

d. Place the Salmon slices in a row in the centre of the tray and keep it in the grill

e. Sprinkle cut, marinated onion pieces on the Salmon slices; you may think that we can grill onion chunks separately but this is needed to add this Onion flavor to Salmon chunks

f. Maintain a Grill temp. at 600 O F and grill for about 20 mins;

g. After just 5 mins or before, the onion slices would become completely blackened; take the oven tray out and collect black-grilled onion pieces(all of them) in a bowel;

h. Push in the tray for the Salmon to grill more until you get a thick black skin and bright orange color slices

i. Check the Salmon slices and as you notice the skin of slices blackening to form a thick black layer around the slices turn them upside down

5. Decorate and Serve

a. Oval shaped, side plates are preferred to serve this

b. Take a plate and spread a couple of Spinach leaves and place the blackened, grilled Salmon slice on the leaves, sprinkle grilled onion chunks around the Salmon slice

c. Place 3 or 4 seasoned, cooked , fresh green beans diagonally across the Salmon slice

d. You can serve one slice per person

e. This Blackened Spicy Salmon Masala would go well with cooked whole-brown rice with any gravy

f. I haven’t tried any beverages with this but I reckon that any mildly sweet sparkling wine would go very well with this Salmon preparation.


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