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Imagining India : The Idea of a renewed nation : Reading experience

I read Nandan Nilekani's Imagining India and I think this is his debut as an author. The variety of subjects that he handles on the world's fastest growing nation and the largest democracy, as the evolution of "ideas" is indeed an unique approach. To me as I read through it, I was amazed by the kind of perspective he has taken while approaching each topic. Considering Nilekani as a current generation Indian entrepreneur, it's mind blowing that he has looked at things from pre-colonial rule era and until recent times. First time ever, I understood what "demographic dividend" means. I've always looked at China as an adorable Asian nation whose growth path and future are unencumbered. Be it its hard working and conservative population, be its technology adoption, be it the unbiased and bold stand towards taking tough measures like population control, be it the kind of ports and roads they have built and so on and so forth..China has always been a country that I look upon as a nation that's going to lead/pioneer Asia's growth. First time ever, I realized their China's aging population is their impeder as well as an expensive challenge in the making, for the years to come. Coming to know about the fact that India in its next 30 years is going to see it's demographic dividend paying off, I am thrilled to have been given an opportunity(being part of this generation) to see how India Inc, is going to fair. As he seeds optimism, Nandan didn't forget to caution us about the challenges that we need to come past to actually see whether the demographic dividend works in our way or against us. The most interesting set of ideas to me was "ideas of the future or that are about to come". Nandan reiterates the natural constraint that world is living with today - all our growth path's need to take a "low carbon" route..

Over all, It's a compelling read..


Dharan Prakash said…
Story about Japan's decreasing demographic dividend

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