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Scarborough/Markham SIN Application/Renewal

There is a new Service Canada office at Steels and Warden which is very accessible to people living in this area ie.Steels and Warden, Woodbine, Victoria, Pharmacy. The office is called "

Markham Scheduled Outreach Site" 3636 Steeles Ave. E. , Suite 223 Markham, Ontario

Driving direction: This is in a mall which is towards the west from Warden and Steels and it is at east of Victoria or Pharmacy. This mall is at the east of IBM campus at Steels. As soon as you enter the mall climb up/ take the elevator to the first floor, the tough part is there will not be any clear name plates or sign boards to point you to this office. But you will soon locate this office which is just in front of the main staircase in the first floor.

The office is open every Wednesdays and Fridays and working hours are 9 am to 3 pm in these two days of the week. Though people say we can go with an appointment, till today it is just a walk-in center and no appointments are given. If you go a little before 9 am, you may be the first 10 to register for the services and you will get your SIN renewed/applied in just 1 hr or at the max within 2hrs.


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"Flagpole" - Landing(Re-entering) into Canada

This article and the facts provided are absolutely time-sensitive, so readers are requested to check / validate the relevance of the contents whenever they wish to exercise the options explained below. If at all it's relevant, this is relevant and may be useful only for those who currently reside in Canada. The final and conclusive step in the process of "Applying Canadian Permanent Residence" is the one by which the applicants and their dependents enter Canada and do the "Landing". This is a required step even if the applicant resides in Canada as a temporary resident or visitor. Such applicants who reside within Canada, can choose to drive/travel up to their nearest border with United States and cross the borders and re-enter back in Canada without a valid US Visa. The informal provision that allows this type of border crossing solely for the purposes of re-entering Canada for landing is called " Flagpole " Applicants along with their dependents( who...